Friday, April 18, 2008

hear ye hear ye

i need to recommend these albums with every fiber of my being.

tift merrit-another country:

i cannot tell you enough what a treat this album is. the song broken might very well be one of the catchiest songs about love and renewal ever.

kathleen edwards: asking for flowers.
"asking for flowers, is like asking you to be nice" sings canadian
song bird kathleen edwards the title track to her third outting, a
reference to the deterioration of a years long relationship. but to
recommend her third album and not emphasize enough how good
all of her music is. buy and or download em all.

ok, also read these books:

the quality of life report-meaghan daum:

though it tells the story of a lost 30 something trying to find her way by way of the midwest, daum's novel speaks easily to anyone looking for answers in their life. which, really, is everyone.

the year of magical thinking- joan didion.

your whole life changes in the ordinary instance. beautiful writing is the result.

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